Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Missing sqlite3 after Python3 compile

Missing sqlite3 after Python3 compile

My question is much like several others. Having manually compiled Python,
sqlite3 is missing:

The main difference is that I'm using a Debian Linux system (unlike in
this question: OS X 10.8.2 python 3 import sqlite error), and Python3
(unlike in this and a bunch of other questions: Cannot import SQLite with
Python 2.6).
I was hoping for some guidance on which direction to troubleshoot in.
According to some of the Linux-but-older-Python questions, an error like
the one I'm getting could be caused by a missing resource during linking
or something ( I have two such files on my system, both of
them in older Python installations, ... but nothing related to Python3. Or
is one of these good enough? Or they say to install the libsqlite3-dev
package, then to re-compile Python. I did this, but I don't see how just
having this package on my system will affect the compilation process. And
indeed, it didn't. A second compile gave me a second Python without
I wish I could just do apt-get install python3, but Debian, in its
stability, only has Python 3.2, where I need the latest version. Thoughts?

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